We’re here to help you

Let us help you. Maybe you know what it is that you require and you just need advice. Engage with us to help identify your needs, local resources and power generation opportunities. Contact us today and we will help you get the best solutions for all stakeholders.

With roof top, floating and ground mount systems, battery solutions, a suite of energy management services, HVAC, LED lighting, trading and financing options specific to individual needs, Energy Industries can assist your business in realising the benefits of renewable power generation and energy efficiency.

We can show you how you can own a renewable power system that will deliver real financial, environmental and social benefits.

Hydrogen is the world’s cleanest energy source, it is renewable, non-polluting and creates zero emissions. It’s highly efficient and less dangerous than other energy sources.

  • High efficiency and carbon free when using H2 and O2.
  • Can use renewable fuels
  • Do not need recharging
  • Can run 24/7, providing base load power
  • No moving parts, nor noise
  • Certain types are well suited to CHP applications
  • Well suited for distributed generation, no losses
  • Can be run in reverse for energy storage, producing hydrogen from electricity and water

Energy Industries can install a large scale commercial solar power system from hundreds of kilowatts to megawatts, either roof-mounted, ground-mounted or floating solar for your organisation anywhere in Australia and internationally.

Energy Industries partners with only the best global suppliers and EPC whilst offering a range of battery technologies that are designed especially for large scale battery storage applications. The right battery technology for you will depend on your situations and requirements. Batteries must be carefully sized and maintained to ensure a long system life.

For centuries wind turbines have harnessed the force of wind to pump water and grind grain. Around 1910, the first wind turbines were built in Europe to produce electricity. Today, advances in technology and the need for renewable energy sources has made wind a fast growing and one of the cheapest source of large-scale electricity.

Biomass power is carbon neutral electricity generated from renewable organic waste that would otherwise be dumped in landfills, openly burned, or left as fodder for forest fires.

Common sources of bioenergy are:

  • Sugar cane residues (also known as bagasse)
  • Landfill gas (the methane produced by landfills)
  • Agricultural crop and livestock waste
  • Household garbage
  • Sewage gas
  • Wood waste
  • Black liquor (a by-product of the paper-making process)

Co-generation and tri-generation can use a variety of fuels, including biogas, biomass, natural gas, coal and petroleum products. Some facilities in Australia use either natural gas or biomass such as sugar cane waste, they are extremely efficient technologies. Co-generation can be up to 80% more efficient than conventional energy sources and produce around 60% less carbon emissions.

Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technologies use mirrors to focus the sun’s light energy and convert it into heat to create steam to drive a turbine that generates electrical power. The heat is then channelled through a conventional generator. The plants consist of two parts: one that collects solar energy and converts it to heat, and another that converts the heat energy to electricity.

  • Trough systems use large, U-shaped (parabolic) reflectors
  • Power tower systems also called central receivers, use many large, flat heliostats (mirrors) to track the sun and focus its rays onto a receiver
  • Dish/engine systems use mirrored dishes (about 10 times larger than a backyard satellite dish) to focus and concentrate sunlight onto a receiver

Together with our partners, we are global leaders in designing, implementing, operating, and servicing energy systems, and together we continue to lead the industry through strategic partnerships globally.